petition signatures and counting...

Protect Your Right To Choose

Watch this 5-minute video to understand the problem and join the solution.

The Charter: Bridging Universal Principles and Canadian Law

The principles of the Charter of Health Freedom are universal in nature, but the language is specific to the Canadian legal and constitutional system.

The Charter of Health Freedom, drafted by constitutional lawyer Shawn Buckley, seeks to ensure that the rights guaranteed to Canadians in our Constitution and our common law heritage aren’t extinguished by actions, well-intentioned or otherwise, of any governments, domestic or foreign.

The Charter Is The Solution

The Charter of Health Freedom is

proposed legislation that gives natural health products and traditional medicines their own Act.

The Charter of Health Freedom protects

our access to natural health products and traditional medicines by creating a separate legal category for them. 

The Charter of Health Freedom offers

an appropriate, healthy, beneficial, safe and well-rooted change for regulating the natural health industry.

The Charter of Health Freedom safeguards

Canadians’ freedom of choice from over-regulation and inappropriate regulation of natural health products.

Learn More About the Charter of Health Freedom Initiative

There's three ways you can learn more:


Download a copy of the Charter

Download the full Charter of Health Freedom document now to better understand how it safeguards your health choices and ensures lasting protection for future generations. It’s available to download in both English and French!


Check out the Interactive Charter

Explore our video series where Shawn Buckley, constitutional lawyer and author of the Charter of Health Freedom, explains the Charter in plain language. Understand your rights and the importance of health freedom through engaging and informative videos.

Get to know the Charter petition

Discover how the paper petition in support of the Charter of Health Freedom has already amassed over 135,000 signatures. Join the movement to protect your health choices by learning more, adding your support, and collecting signatures.

What Canadians Are Saying

  • Thanks for this opportunity to say no and have a voice.

  • Thank you for fighting for humanity. I will do all I can to work with you.

  • Thank you for all your hard work and care for the Canadian people.

  • Thanks for all your hard work on this. It’s going to affect everyone! Keeping our option to use natural heath products/practitioners is crucial!

  • Thank you for your efforts on behalf of all Canadians.

  • I, too, support my right to treat my health and wellness naturally. It is important that the Charter of Health Freedom be passed to protect my right to choose the health regime that is best for me.
